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Product of Matrices
Product of MatricesProduct of Matrices,Let , and , for matrix A of order m x n,and matrix B of order p x q, product of matrices exist if and only if . Then the product of matrices is where the order of matrix D is x by y and , . The elements of D are Or For example, From the definition of matrix multiplication, it is possible to have without or and without or . Properties of Matrix MultiplicationIf both matrix B premultiplied by matrix A, and matrix B postmultipled by matrix A, are defined, . In general, matrix multiplication is not commutative. . Multiplication of matrices is associative. For matrix A of order m x n, matrix B of order p x q and matrix C of order s x t, product of matrices exist if and only if and . Then element of is And the element of is Rearrange the order of terms And equals to the element of or . Matrix multiplication is distributive with respect to addition. If , then and . If A and D are of same order and B and C are square matrices, then A, B, C and D are all square matrices. Since equals and the element is And equals to the element of . Identity MatrixThe identity under matrix multiplication is the identity matrix, that is Let , and then and In order to have the same order as A, for element x, order of k should equal to i and for element y, order of l should equal to j, and therefore the identity matrix must be square. According to the equality of matrices, only when , and only when . The form of identity matrix is . If , that is , then A must be a square matrix. And therefore it is also called unit matrix. Inverse MatrixIf A has an multiplication inverse and then A must be square. If a matrix has an inverse, the inverse is unique. Assume both B and C are inverses of A, then and . Premultiply first equation by C, imply . From second equation, imply and the inverse is unique. Division of matrices has not been defined, the multiplying of the reciprocal of a matrix can be replaced by multiplying the inverse of the matrix. Therefore solving B in can be obtained by premultiplying . Let , If both matrices have an inverse, then . That is The inverse of a matrix's inverse equals to the matrix itself, . Let then ©sideway ID: 100800010 Last Updated: 8/14/2010 Revision: 0 Latest Updated Links
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