Draft for Information Only
Scene Functions
The functions of Scene object is to manipulate the aesthetic ouptut design of Mobjects. The typical functions are
- Element management
- def add(self, *mobjects)
- def add_mobjects_among(self, values)
- def remove(self, *mobjects)
- def add_foreground_mobjects(self, *mobjects)
- def add_foreground_mobject(self, mobject)
- def remove_foreground_mobjects(self, *to_remove)
- def remove_foreground_mobject(self, mobject)
- def clear(self)
- Eement manipulation
- def capture_mobjects_in_camera(self, mobjects, **kwargs)
- def update_frame( self, mobjects=None, background=None, include_submobjects=True, ignore_skipping=True, **kwargs)
- def freeze_background(self)
- def update_mobjects(self, dt)
- def should_update_mobjects(self)
- def restructure_mobjects(self, to_remove, mobject_list_name="mobjects", extract_families=True)
- def bring_to_front(self, *mobjects)
- def bring_to_back(self, *mobjects)
- def clean_up_animations(self, *animations)
- Time management
- def increment_time(self, d_time)
- def compile_play_args_to_animation_list(self, *args, **kwargs)
- def update_skipping_status(self)
- def begin_animations(self, animations)
- def progress_through_animations(self, animations)
- def finish_animations(self, animations)
- def play(self, *args, **kwargs)
- def idle_stream(self)
- def wait(self, duration=DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME, stop_condition=None)
- def wait_until(self, stop_condition, max_time=60)
- def force_skipping(self)
- def revert_to_original_skipping_status(self)
- def add_frames(self, *frames)
- def show_frame(self)
- Properties management
- def set_variables_as_attrs(self, *objects, **newly_named_objects)
- def get_attrs(self, *keys)
- def set_camera(self, camera)
- def get_frame(self)
- def get_image(self)
- def set_camera_pixel_array(self, pixel_array)
- def set_camera_background(self, background)
- def reset_camera(self)
- def get_time(self)
- def get_top_level_mobjects(self)
- def get_mobject_family_members(self)
- def get_restructured_mobject_list(self, mobjects, to_remove
- def get_mobjects(self)
- def get_mobject_copies(self)
- def get_moving_mobjects(self, *animations)
- def get_time_progression(self, run_time, n_iterations=None, override_skip_animations=False)
- def get_run_time(self, animations)
- def get_animation_time_progression(self, animations)
- def get_mobjects_from_last_animation(self)
- def get_wait_time_progression(self, duration, stop_condition)
- Misc
- def print_end_message(self)
- def handle_play_like_call(func)
- def add_sound(self, sound_file, time_offset=0, gain=None, **kwargs)
- def tex(self, latex)
ID: 200302402 Last Updated: 3/24/2020 Revision: 0