Draft for Information Only
Manim SVG Mobject Codes in Svg_mobject.py Import Global Function Class SVGMobject(VMobject) Configuration Functions Class VMobjectFromSVGPathstring(VMobject) Functions Source and Reference
Manim SVG Mobject
The svg mobject VMobject object in Manim is defined in svg_mobject.py.
Codes in Svg_mobject.py
Available codes defined in manimlib.mobject.svg.svg_mobject.py
Two classes, SVGMobject(VMobject), and VMobjectFromSVGPathstring(VMobject).
import itertools as it
import re
import string
import warnings
from xml.dom import minidom
from manimlib.constants import *
from manimlib.mobject.geometry import Circle
from manimlib.mobject.geometry import Rectangle
from manimlib.mobject.geometry import RoundedRectangle
from manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VGroup
from manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VMobject
from manimlib.utils.color import *
from manimlib.utils.config_ops import digest_config
from manimlib.utils.config_ops import digest_locals
Global Function
- def string_to_numbers(num_string)
Class SVGMobject(VMobject)
class manimlib.mobject.svg.svg_mobject.SVGMobject(VMobject)version 19Dec2019
"should_center": True,
"height": 2,
"width": None,
# Must be filled in in a subclass, or when called
"file_name": None,
"unpack_groups": True, # if False, creates a hierarchy of VGroups
"stroke_width": DEFAULT_STROKE_WIDTH,
"fill_opacity": 1.0,
# "fill_color" : LIGHT_GREY,
- def __init__(self, file_name=None, **kwargs)
- def ensure_valid_file(self)
- def generate_points(self)
- def get_mobjects_from(self, element)
- def g_to_mobjects(self, g_element)
- def path_string_to_mobject(self, path_string)
- def use_to_mobjects(self, use_element)
- def attribute_to_float(self, attr)
- def polygon_to_mobject(self, polygon_element)
- # <circle class="st1" cx="143.8" cy="268" r="22.6"/>
- def circle_to_mobject(self, circle_element)
- def ellipse_to_mobject(self, circle_element)
- def rect_to_mobject(self, rect_element)
- def handle_transforms(self, element, mobject)
- def flatten(self, input_list)
- def get_all_childNodes_have_id(self, element)
- def update_ref_to_element(self, defs)
- def move_into_position(self)
Class VMobjectFromSVGPathstring(VMobject)
class manimlib.mobject.svg.svg_mobject.VMobjectFromSVGPathstring(VMobject)version 19Dec2019
- def __init__(self, path_string, **kwargs)
- def get_path_commands(self)
- def generate_points(self)
- def handle_command(self, command, coord_string)
- def string_to_points(self, coord_string)
- def get_original_path_string(self)
Source and Reference
https://github.com/3b1b/manim 19Dec2019
ID: 200602402 Last Updated: 6/24/2020 Revision: 0