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DotNet Components
  Build-in DotNet Namespaces
  Pre-made DotNet Namespaces

DotNet Components

Unlike build-in ASP Objects, DotNet build-in components are build-in DotNet Namespaces, Classes or Properties that automatically imported for all ASP.NET web pages with .aspx file extension. And DotNet pre-made components are imported DotNet Namespaces per ASP.NET web pages with .aspx file extension. Most common used pre-made components are System.Data Namespace, System.IO Namespace, and System.Security.Permissions Namespace.

Build-in DotNet Namespaces

Namespace Namespace Description Component Name Component Description
System Namespace The namespace contains fundamental classes and base classes that define commonly-used value and reference data types, events and event handlers, interfaces, attributes, and processing exceptions.    
System.Collections Namespace The namespace contains interfaces and classes that define various collections of objects, such as lists, queues, bit arrays, hash tables and dictionaries.    
System.Collections.Specialized Namespace The namespace contains specialized and strongly-typed collections; for example, a linked list dictionary, a bit vector, and collections that contain only strings.    
System.Configuration Namespace The namespace contains the types that provide the programming model for handling configuration data.    
System.Text Namespace The namespace contains classes that represent ASCII and Unicode character encodings; abstract base classes for converting blocks of characters to and from blocks of bytes; and a helper class that manipulates and formats objects without creating intermediate instances of .    
System.Text.RegularExpressions Namespace The namespace contains classes that provide access to the .NET Framework regular expression engine. The namespace provides regular expression functionality that may be used from any platform or language that runs within the Microsoft .NET Framework. In addition to the types contained in this namespace, the class enables you to determine whether a particular string conforms to a regular expression pattern.    
System.Web Namespace The namespace supplies classes and interfaces that enable browser-server communication. This namespace includes the class, which provides extensive information about the current HTTP request; the class, which manages HTTP output to the client; and the class, which provides access to server-side utilities and processes. also includes classes for cookie manipulation, file transfer, exception information, and output cache control. HttpRequest.Browser Property Gets or sets information about the requesting client's browser capabilities.
System.Web.Caching Namespace The namespace provides classes for caching frequently used data on the server.    
System.Web.Profile Namespace The namespace contains classes that are used to work with ASP.NET user profiles in Web server applications.    
System.Web.Security Namespace The namespace contains classes that are used to implement ASP.NET security in Web server applications.    
System.Web.SessionState Namespace The namespace supplies classes and interfaces that enable storage of data specific to a single client within a Web application on the server. The session-state data is used to give the client the appearance of a persistent connection with the application. State information can be stored within local process memory or, for Web farm configurations, it can be stored out of process using either the ASP.NET State service or a Microsoft SQL Server database.    
System.Web.UI Namespace The namespace provides classes and interfaces that enable you to create ASP.NET server controls and ASP.NET Web pages for the user interface of your ASP.NET Web applications.    
System.Web.UI.HtmlControls Namespace The namespace contains classes that allow you to create HTML server controls on a Web Forms page. HTML server controls run on the server and map directly to standard HTML tags supported by most browsers. This allows you to programmatically control the HTML elements on a Web Forms page.    
System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace The namespace contains classes that allow you to create Web server controls on a Web page. Web server controls run on the server and include form controls such as buttons and text boxes. They also include special-purpose controls such as a calendar. Because Web server controls run on the server, you can programmatically control these elements. Although Web server controls are rendered as HTML, their object model does not necessarily reflect HTML syntax. AdRotator Class Displays an advertisement banner on a Web page.
System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts Namespace The namespace contains classes and interfaces known collectively as the Web Parts control set. You can use these classes to create Web pages whose appearance and behavior can be modified (personalized) by end users. Each user's personalized settings for a page are saved for future browser sessions.    
    Content Linking To create a NextLink object according to the specified table of contents. This object provides a link to a web page as the continuous page of a book.
    Content Rotator To create an Content Rotator object according to the specified web contents. This object replaces the string HTML content on the web page automatically .
    Counters To create a Counters object with any numeber of individual counters. This object performs individual create, remove, store, increment, and retrieve counter operation.
    IIS Log component To create IISLog object. This object reads the HTTP activity in the IIS log file generated by IIS.
    MyInfo To create a MyInfo object. This object records the personal information of the site administrator name, address, and display settings.
    Page Counter To create a PageCounter object. This object counts and displays the number of times a Web page has been opened.
    Status To create a Status object. This object has properties that contain information about the server status. Currently, the server status is only available on a personal Web server for Macintosh.
    Tools To create a Tools object. This object provides utilities for adding advanced features to Web pages easily.

Pre-made DotNet Namespaces

Namespace Namespace Description Component Name Component Description
System.Data Namespace The namespace provides access to classes that represent the ADO.NET architecture. ADO.NET lets you build components that efficiently manage data from multiple data sources. System.Data Namespace The System.Data namespace provides access to classes that represent the ADO.NET architecture. ADO.NET lets you build components that efficiently manage data from multiple data sources.
System.Data.SqlClient  Namespace Provides data access for Microsoft SQL Server. System.Data.SqlClient  Namespace The System.Data.SqlClient  Namespace is the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server and is used for connecting to a database, executing commands, and retrieving results.
System.Data.OleDb Namespace For data sources exposed by using OLE DB. System.Data.OleDb Namespace The System.Data.OleDb  Namespace is the .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB and is used for connecting to a database, executing commands, and retrieving results.
System.Data.Odbc Namespace For data sources exposed by using ODBC. System.Data.Odbc Namespace The System.Data.Odbc  Namespace is the .NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC and is used for connecting to a database, executing commands, and retrieving results.
System.Data.OracleClient  Namespace For Oracle data sources. The .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle supports Oracle client software version 8.1.7 and later. System.Data.OracleClient  Namespace The System.Data.OracleClient  Namespace is the .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle and is used for connecting to a database, executing commands, and retrieving results.
System.Data.EntityClient  Namespace Provides data access for Entity Data Model (EDM) applications. System.Data.EntityClient  Namespace The System.Data.EntityClient  Namespace is the .NET Framework EntityClient Provider and is used for connecting to a database, executing commands, and retrieving results.
System.Data.SqlServerCe Namespace Provides data access for Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0. System.Data.SqlServerCe Namespace The System.Data..SqlServerCe  Namespace is the.NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server Compact 4.0 and is used for connecting to a database, executing commands, and retrieving results.
System.IO Namespace The System.IO namespace contains types that allow reading and writing to files and data streams, and types that provide basic file and directory support. System.IO Namespace The System.IO namespace contains types that allow reading and writing to files and data streams, and types that provide basic file and directory support.
System.Security.Permissions Namespace The namespace defines classes that control access to operations and resources based on policy. WebBrowserPermission Class The WebBrowserPermission object controls the ability to create the WebBrowser control.


ID: 190600019 Last Updated: 6/19/2019 Revision: 0 Ref:



  1. Active Server Pages,  ,
  2. ASP Overview,  ,
  3. ASP Best Practices,  ,
  4. ASP Built-in Objects,  ,
  5. Response Object,  ,
  6. Request Object,  ,
  7. Server Object (IIS),  ,
  8. Application Object (IIS),  ,
  9. Session Object (IIS),  ,
  10. ASPError Object,  ,
  11. ObjectContext Object (IIS),  ,
  12. Debugging Global.asa Files,  ,
  13. How to: Debug Global.asa files,  ,
  14. Calling COM Components from ASP Pages,  ,
  15. IIS ASP Scripting Reference,  ,
  16. ASP Keywords,  ,
  17. Creating Simple ASP Pages,  ,
  18. Including Files in ASP Applications,  ,
  19. ASP Overview,  ,
  20. FileSystemObject Object,  ,
  21.,  , ADO Object Model
  22. ADO Fundamentals,  ,

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