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ContentSVG Elements
SVG ElementsSVG Elements are used to construct the drawing and layout of a SVG image, diagram, or graphics by specify in a structured form.List of SVG Elements
NameDescription DepreciatedVersion
<a> SVG1
<altGlyph> SVG2 (SVG1.2)SVG1
<altGlyphDef> SVG2 (SVG1.2)SVG1
<altGlyphItem> SVG2 (SVG1.2)SVG1
<animate> SVG1
<animateColor> SVG2SVG1
<animateMotion> SVG1
<animateTransform> SVG1
<animation> SVG2SVG1.2
<audio> SVG1.2
<canvas> SVG2
<circle>to create a circle based on a center point and a radius. SVG1
<clipPath> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<color-profile> SVG2 (SVG1.2)SVG1
<cursor> SVG2 (SVG1.2)SVG1
<definition-src> SVG1.1SVG1
<defs> SVG1
<desc> SVG1
<discard> SVG1.2
<ellipse>to create an ellipse based on a center point, and both x and y radius. SVG1
<feBlend> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feColorMatrix> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feComponentTransfer> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feComposite> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feConvolveMatrix> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feDiffuseLighting> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feDisplacementMap> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feDistantLight> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feDropShadow> SVG2
<feFlood> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feFuncA> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feFuncB> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feFuncG> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feFuncR> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feGaussianBlur> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feImage> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feMerge> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feMergeNode> &(SVG1.2)SVG1
<feMorphology> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feOffset> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<fePointLight> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feSpecularLighting> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feSpotLight> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feTile> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<feTurbulence> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<filter> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<font> SVG2SVG1
<font-face> SVG2SVG1
<font-face-format> SVG2 (SVG1.2)SVG1
<font-face-name> SVG2(SVG1.2)SVG1
<font-face-src> SVG2SVG1
<font-face-uri> SVG2SVG1
<foreignObject> SVG1
<g>to define a container for grouping other SVG elements SVG1
<glyph> SVG2SVG1
<glyphRef> SVG2(SVG1.2)SVG1
<handler> SVG2SVG1.2
<hkern> SVG2SVG1
<image> SVG1
<line>to create a line connecting two points. SVG1
<linearGradient> SVG1
<listener> SVG2SVG1.2
<marker> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<mask> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<metadata> SVG1
<missing-glyph> SVG2SVG1
<mpath> SVG1
<path>to create a shape through describing the path elements of a shape. SVG1
<pattern> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<polygon>to create a closed shape by specifying the corner points, to which the last point is connected to the first point. SVG1
<polyline>to create a shape by specifying the corner points, to which the last point is not connected to the first point. SVG1
<prefetch> SVG2SVG1.2
<radialGradient> SVG1
<rect>to creacte a rectangle by specifying position, width, and height. SVG1
<script> SVG1
<set> SVG1
<solidColor> SVG2SVG1.2
<stop> SVG1
<style> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<svg>to define a container with a new coordinate system and viewport. SVG1
<switch> SVG1
<symbol> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<tbreak> SVG2SVG1.2
<text>to create a graphic with text SVG1
<textArea> SVG2SVG1.2
<textPath> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<title> SVG1
<tref> SVG2 (SVG1.2)SVG1
<tspan> SVG1
<use> SVG1
<view> (SVG1.2)SVG1
<vkern> SVG2 (SVG1.2)SVG1
Sources and References©sideway ID: 210800030 Last Updated: 2/5/2022 Revision: 1 Ref: References
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