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Manim Utils Tree Structure of Manim Utils Source and Reference
Manim Utils
A utils is the fundamental operations used in Manim.
Tree Structure of Manim Utils
Utils Structure 18Jan2020 based on 19Dec2019.
- utils
- bezier.py
- def bezier(points)
- def partial_bezier_points(points, a, b)
- def interpolate(start, end, alpha)
- def integer_interpolate(start, end, alpha)
- def mid(start, end)
- def inverse_interpolate(start, end, value)
- def match_interpolate(new_start, new_end, old_start, old_end, old_value)
- def get_smooth_handle_points(points)
- def solve_func(b)
- def closed_curve_solve_func(b)
- def diag_to_matrix(l_and_u, diag)
- def is_closed(points)
- color.py
- def color_to_rgb(color)
- def color_to_rgba(color, alpha=1) rgb_to_color(rgb)
- def rgba_to_color(rgba)
- def rgb_to_hex(rgb)
- def hex_to_rgb(hex_code)
- def invert_color(color)
- def color_to_int_rgb(color)
- def color_to_int_rgba(color, opacity=1.0)
- def color_gradient(reference_colors, length_of_output)
- def interpolate_color(color1, color2, alpha)
- def average_color(*colors)
- def random_bright_color()
- def random_color()
- def get_shaded_rgb(rgb, point, unit_normal_vect, light_source)
- config_ops.py
- def get_all_descendent_classes(Class)
- def filtered_locals(caller_locals)
- def digest_config(obj, kwargs, caller_locals={})
- def merge_dicts_recursively(*dicts)
- def soft_dict_update(d1, d2)
- def digest_locals(obj, keys=None)
- class DictAsObject(object):
- debug.py
- def print_family(mobject, n_tabs=0)
- def get_submobject_index_labels(mobject, label_height=0.15)
- file_ops.py
- def add_extension_if_not_present(file_name, extension)
- def guarantee_existence(path)
- def seek_full_path_from_defaults(file_name, default_dir, extensions)
- def get_sorted_integer_files(directory,
- images.py
- def get_full_raster_image_path(image_file_name)
- def drag_pixels(frames)
- def invert_image(image)
- iterables.py
- def remove_list_redundancies(l)
- def list_update(l1, l2)
- def list_difference_update(l1, l2)
- def all_elements_are_instances(iterable, Class)
- def adjacent_n_tuples(objects, n)
- def adjacent_pairs(objects)
- def batch_by_property(items, property_func)
- def add_batch_prop_pair(batch)
- def tuplify(obj)
- def stretch_array_to_length(nparray, length)
- def make_even(iterable_1, iterable_2)
- def make_even_by_cycling(iterable_1, iterable_2)
- def remove_nones(sequence)
- def concatenate_lists(*list_of_lists)
- paths.py
- def straight_path(start_points, end_points, alpha)
- def path_along_arc(arc_angle, axis=OUT)
- def path(start_points, end_points, alpha)
- def clockwise_path()
- def counterclockwise_path()
- rate_functions.py
- def linear(t)
- def smooth(t, inflection=10.0)
- def rush_into(t, inflection=10.0)
- def rush_from(t, inflection=10.0)
- def slow_into(t)
- def double_smooth(t)
- def there_and_back(t, inflection=10.0)
- def there_and_back_with_pause(t, pause_ratio=1. / 3)
- def running_start(t, pull_factor=-0.5)
- def not_quite_there(func=smooth, proportion=0.7)
- def wiggle(t, wiggles=2)
- def squish_rate_func(func, a=0.4, b=0.6)
- def lingering(t)
- def exponential_decay(t, half_life=0.1)
- simple_functions.py
- def sigmoid(x)
- def choose_using_cache(n, r)
- def choose(n, r, use_cache=True)
- def get_num_args(function)
- def get_parameters(function)
- def clip_in_place(array, min_val=None, max_val=None)
- def fdiv(a, b, zero_over_zero_value=None)
- def binary_search(function,
- sounds.py
- def play_chord(*nums)
- def play_error_sound()
- def play_finish_sound()
- def get_full_sound_file_path(sound_file_name)
- space_ops.py
- def get_norm(vect)
- def quaternion_mult(q1, q2)
- def quaternion_from_angle_axis(angle, axis)
- def angle_axis_from_quaternion(quaternion)
- def quaternion_conjugate(quaternion)
- def rotate_vector(vector, angle, axis=OUT)
- def thick_diagonal(dim, thickness=2)
- def rotation_matrix(angle, axis)
- def rotation_about_z(angle)
- def z_to_vector(vector)
- def angle_between(v1, v2)
- def angle_of_vector(vector)
- def angle_between_vectors(v1, v2)
- def project_along_vector(point, vector)
- def normalize(vect, fall_back=None)
- def cross(v1, v2)
- def get_unit_normal(v1, v2)
- def compass_directions(n=4, start_vect=RIGHT)
- def complex_to_R3(complex_num)
- def R3_to_complex(point)
- def complex_func_to_R3_func(complex_func)
- def center_of_mass(points)
- def midpoint(point1, point2)
- def line_intersection(line1, line2)
- def get_winding_number(points)
- strings.py
- def to_camel_case(name)
- def initials(name, sep_values=[" ", "_"])
- def camel_case_initials(name)
- def complex_string(complex_num)
- def split_string_to_isolate_substrings(full_string, *substrings_to_isolate)
- def split_string_list_to_isolate_substrings(string_list, *substrings_to_isolate)
- tex_file_writing.py
- def tex_hash(expression, template_tex_file_body)
- def tex_to_svg_file(expression, template_tex_file_body)
- def generate_tex_file(expression, template_tex_file_body)
- def tex_to_dvi(tex_file)
- def dvi_to_svg(dvi_file, regen_if_exists=False)
Source and Reference
https://github.com/3b1b/manim 19Dec2019
ID: 210700017 Last Updated: 7/17/2021 Revision: 0