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Linux Documentation Project Works
 LDP Guides:
 Linux HOWTOs:
 Linux Man Pages:
 Linux FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions with Answers):
 Linux Gazette:
 Additional Documents of Interest (Quick Ref, Tutorials, ...):

Linux Documentation Project Works

Linux Documentation Project Works 

source:    last updated 27Feb2018

LDP Guides:

Note: The LDP guides have moved to their own page.

Linux HOWTOs:

The Linux HOWTOs are detailed "how to" documents on specific subjects. The HOWTO index lists all HOWTOs along with short descriptions. The HOWTOs are written in SGML or XML, and translated to different output formats using SGML-Tools (Linuxdoc DTD) or the DocBook/DSSSL tools. Join the LDP announcements mailing list for news on HOWTO updates.

Master (alphabetical) HOWTO Index (browse HOWTOS by descriptions/dates & read online) Master Category Index (browse HOWTOs by category & read online) Recent Updates (browse a list of recently updated HOWTOs & read online)
plain text browse directory tarred/gzipped (8.7M)
HTML (single page) browse directory tarred/gzipped (6.7M)
HTML (multiple pages) browse directory
PDF browse directory tarred/gzipped (60M)
Plucker DB (for Palm/handheld) browse directory tarred/gzipped (16M)
SGML/XML source browse CVS repository  (request an account)
Non-English translations browse directory
Archived documents browse directory

»   Notes:

  • In the list below, single page means that each HOWTO is available for viewing, in its entirety, on one HTML page. The default for viewing online is for the HOWTO to be split into multiple page(s; usually one HTML page per section).

  • The stated tar package sizes are approximations.

  • PostScript and PDF copies were created using the PA4 paper format (210 x 279 mm, 8-1/4 x 11 in - the width of ISO A4 and the height of U.S. Letter).

  • We have heard of instances whereby the Adobe plug-in for Netscape or IE may have trouble reading the PDF variants. If so, save the file(s) to your hard disk and open them from the desktop - see if that resolves the problem.

  • In some cases, when downloading compressed files with/through a web-browser, the browser will actually perform the decompression (gunzip) automatically, BUT the saved filename will still have the .gz file extension. If you run into problems when trying to gunzip the file, this is probably the case. Move the file to "filename minus the .gz extension" and the problem should be resolved.

»  additional HOWTO-related items:

  • We now offer all HOWTOs and FAQs in the Plucker DB format, viewable on your Palm device. Plucker generators and viewers are free software/open source software, released under the GPL. You can get the Plucker software, including source code, at:

    These documents can be accessed from the pluckerdb directory.

  • MemoWare PDA Document Repository contains some HOWTOs and mini-HOWTOs in AportisDoc format (for PalmPilot users).

  • A collection of lists of the HOWTOs sorted by last update/modify date, filename, etc.

Linux Man Pages:

For your convenience, we archive snapshots of the (English language) Linux man pages. Please see our dedicated man page section for details.

Linux FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions with Answers):

Available formats:

For your convenience, a link to the Linux FAQ.

Linux Gazette:

Linux Gazette is an online magazine that provides many Linux tips and tricks. Mirrored from


LinuxFocus is a volunteer-driven online Linux magazine. It is truly international and free. It is no longer mirrored.

Additional Documents of Interest (Quick Ref, Tutorials, ...):

  • Introduction to Basic Computer Security

    A series of articles written by Jennifer Vesperman ( that discuss the various aspects of computer security. Includes the following:

    updated title / version / available formats
    2002-02-24 Introduction to Backing Up and Restoring Data vers: 0.3    HTML (online)  |  HTML (tar)  |  plain text  |  PDF
    2002-02-24 Introduction to Intrusion Protection and Network Security vers: 0.3    HTML (online)  |  HTML (tar)  |  plain text  |  PDF
    2002-02-24 Introduction to Physical Security and Security of Services vers: 0.2    HTML (online)  |  HTML (tar)  |  plain text  |  PDF
    2002-02-24 Introduction to Securing Data in Transit vers: 0.3    HTML (online)  |  HTML (tar)  |  plain text  |  PDF
    2002-02-24 Introduction to Viruses & Virus Hoaxes vers: 0.3    HTML (online)  |  HTML (tar)  |  plain text  |  PDF
    2002-02-24 all documents    HTML (tar)  |  PDF (tar)
  • CVS Best Practices

    version: 0.7
    author(s): Vivek Venugopalan,
    last update: Oct 2005
    available formats:
    1. HTML (read online)
    2. HTML (single file) (read online; 65k)
    3. HTML (tarred and gzipped package, 23k)
    4. PDF (357k)
    5. PostScript (343k)
    6. text (55k)
    7. PluckerDB (28k)

    This article outlines some of the best practices that can be adopted when Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is used as the configuration management tool in your software project.

  • Joe-Command-Reference

    version: 3.0
    author(s): Paul Sutton
    last update: August 2003
    available formats:
    1. HTML (read online)

    A quick reference guide to the commands and keystrokes used in JOE ("Joe's Own Editor", an ASCII-text screen editor).

  • Linux Security Quick Reference Card

    version: 1.1
    author(s): Dave Wreski and Benjamin Thomas
    last update: September 2000
    available formats:
    1. PDF (70K)
    2. PS (340K)
    3. PDF (A4; 70K)
    4. PS (A4; 340K)

    This two-page Quick Reference Card is intended to provide a starting point for improving the security of your system. Contained within include references to security resources around the net, tips on securing your Linux box, and general security information. More information can be found at


ID: 180800025 Last Updated: 8/25/2018 Revision: 0

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Chinese 1097

English 339new

Travel 7new

Reference 79


Hardware 251


Application 213

Digitization 32

Latex 52

Manim 205

KB 1

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Web 289

Unicode 504


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SVG 46


OS 431

DeskTop 7

Python 72



Formulas 8

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Logic 1

Algebra 84

Number Theory 206

Trigonometry 31

Geometry 34

Coordinate Geometry 2

Calculus 67

Complex Analysis 21


Tables 8


Mechanics 1

Rigid Bodies

Statics 92

Dynamics 37

Fluid 5

Fluid Kinematics 5


Process Control 1

Acoustics 19

FiniteElement 2

Natural Sciences

Matter 1

Electric 27

Biology 1

Geography 1

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