InternetUnicodeHTML CSS NormalizationCSS Reset to DefaultCSS InheritedPropertiesCSS WrapperCSS UnitCSS Head StyleCSS Font FamilyCSS Rendering HTML Table Draft for Information Only
ContentCSS Table Object
CSS Table ObjectSince display property can be assign to any HTML tag, tagged elements other than HTML table object tags can also be used to construct CSS table objects. . HTML Table Object TagIn HTML, a HTML table is usually rendered according to the HTML table tag elements because these tagged elements are well defined by default. User agents may ignore the 'display' property of a HTML table tag element if the HTML table is constructed by HTML table tag elements correctly. However, user agents will always take the 'display' property of other non-table tag elements as usual when rendering a HTML tagged element. In other words, other HTML tagged element can also be rendered a table objects when altering the 'display' properties of tagged element accordingly. The relationships between 'display' property and HTML table tag are
CSS Table ObjectsCSS table objects are created by assigning those values of table construction related to the 'display' property. One typical example of using HTML tag for creating CSS table objectis is to modify the 'display' propertiey of '<b>', '<i>', and '<u>' tags. But the 'font-style', 'font-weight', and 'text-decoration:none' properties must be normalized accordingly. For examples, Table-cell ObjectCreate a table cell with bold 'font-weight' property and use
the table cell as a block
HTML Document Input:
HTML Web Page Embedded Output: Table-cell ObjectsCreate table cells with bold 'font-weight' property. When two
sibling table cells are consecutive and with inline containing only
white space, these two table cells will be tabulated as in a table.
HTML Document Input:
HTML Web Page Embedded Output: Empty Table-Row ObjectCreate empty table row objects and use the table rows as blocks only
HTML Document Input:
HTML Web Page Embedded Output: Table-Row ObjectsCreate table row objects with or without table cell. When two
or more sibling table rows are consecutive and with inline containing
only white space, these consecutive table rows will be tabulated as in
a table.
HTML Document Input:
HTML Web Page Embedded Output: Table-caption ObjectsCreate table captions. A table caption outside a table is used as a block.
When two or more sibling table captions are consecutive and with
inline containing only white space, these consecutive table captions
will always be ignorted. A table caption nested in a table will be
relocated as a caption outside the table. However the rendering of the
caption is always affected by the tag container.
HTML Document Input:
HTML Web Page Embedded Output: ©sideway ID: 180300001 Last Updated: 3/1/2018 Revision: 0 Ref: References
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