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Candy Crush

Candy Crush SodaLevel

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Candy Crush Soda
   Normal Candy Crush Soda Candies 
   Candy Crush Soda Matching 
   Episode of Candy Crush Soda 

Candy Crush Soda

Candy Crush Soda is a puzzle game from Ltd ( ).  Captured Figure   last updated 21Jun2016


Normal Candy Crush Soda Candies 

Normal Candy  is the main basic element in Candy Crush Soda. There are seven types of normal candies of seven different colors and shapes. By arranging any three or more candies of the same color to match a pattern so as to crush all matched candies and create basic bonus.   last updated 03Jul2016

list of normal candies

  1. Cyan Diamond
  2. Green Square
  3. Blue Lollipop Head
  4. Yellow Drop
  5. Orange Lozenge
  6. Purple Jujube Cluster
  7. Red bean

Seven types of normal candies at level end

Candy Crush Soda from Ltd ( ).  Captured Figure   last updated 03Jul2016


Seven types of normal candies plus fish candy and soda bottles at level start.

Candy Crush Soda from Ltd ( ).  Captured Figure   last updated 03Jul2016


Candy Crush Soda Matching 


Basic Effect of Candy Crush Soda Crush

  • Matching candies to crush all matched candies, light obstacles below them and obstacles next to it one time        last updated 26Jun2016
  • Crushing a candy to destroy the candy, the light obstacle below and next to it one time.       last updated 26Jun2016
  • Destroying an obstacle to destroy only it one time.   last updated 30Jun2016
  • Destroying a normal candy to destroy it and the light obstacle below one time only.     last updated 30Jun2016
  •  Activiating a candy to crush it and the light obstacle above it one time.               last updated 03Jul2016

By arranging any three or more candies of the same color to match a pattern so as to crush all matched candy and create basic bonus.   last updated 03Jul2016

  • Matching any three candies in a row or column (one line of 3) to provide a basic matching crush.
  • Matching any four candies in a row or column (one line of 4) to create a striped candy additionally
  • Matching any four candies in a 2x2 square (two parallel lines of 2) to create a candy fish additionally
  • Mathcing any five candies in a row or column (one line of 5) to create a color bomb additionally
  • Mathcing any five candies in a T or L shape (any two crossed lines of 3) to create a wrapped candy additionally
  • Mathcing any six candies in a T shape with five plus one combination (a line of 5 symmetric about a line of 2) to create a coloring candy of the same color additionally

By crushing a candy so as to generate an extra effect.   last updated 23Jun2016

  • Crushing a striped candy to generate a blast parallel to the stripe of the crushed candy.
  •  Crushing a wrapped candy to generate two explosions successively which crushes an area of a 3x3 square one time with centre located at the wrapped candy each time.       last updated 26Jun20162016
  • Crushing a fish candy to generate a jumping fish to destroy one thing on the board.

By swapping two candies so as to generate a special effect.   last updated 23Jun2016

  • Basic
    • Matching two striped candies of any color to create two cross blasts across the board with both blasts passing through the ending point of swapping.
    • Matching two wrapped candies of any color to create a super explosion and two normal explosions which crushes an area of a 5x5 square with centre located at the ending point of swapping and then two individual explosions which crush an area of a 3x3 square with centre located at the wrapped candy accordingly.
    • Matching a wrapped candy with a striped candy of any color to create two giant super candies which successively crush 3 rows and 3 colums across the board with both centre axes of blasts passing through the ending point of swapping.
  • Fish
    • Matching a fish candy with a striped candy of any color to create a jumping striped fish to destroy one thing first for loading the striped candy to blast a row or column across the board according to the strip orientation of the striped candy.
    • Matching a fish candy with a wrapped candy of any color to create a jumping wrapped fish to load a wrapped candy for bombing an area of a 3x3 square around it on the board.
    • Matching two fish candies of any color to create 3 jumping fishes to destroy three things on the board.
  • Color Bomb
    •     Matching a color bomb with any normal candy of any color to crush all candies of that color on the board will be crushed automatically.       last updated 26Jun2016
    • Matching a color bomb with any striped candy of any color to convert all normal candies of that color on the board ??randomly?? into alternating striped candies and all striped candies of that color is then crushed accordingly.
    •     Matching a color bomb with any wrapped candy of any color to convert all normal candies of that color on the board into wrapped candies. All wrapped candies of that color is then activated automatically.       last updated 26Jun2016
    •      Matching a color bomb with any fish candy of any color to convert all normal candies of that color on the board into fish candies. All fish candies of that color is then activated automatically to generate a jumping fish.         last updated 26Jun2016
    • Matching two color bombs to create a flash exploxsion across the board. All things on the board are crushed one time automatically.       last updated 26Jun2016
  • Coloring Candy
    •      Matching a coloring candy with any normal candy of any color to change all candies of that color on the board into the color of the coloring candy.  All candies of the coloring candy color is then crushed according to the matching rule. If the swrapping is of the same color, another ??random?? color will be used.    last updated 26Jun2016
    • Matching a coloring candy with any striped candy of any color to change ??all candies?? of that color on the board into the color of the coloring candy and all normal candies of the coloring candy color is change to striped candies. All candies of the coloring candy color is then crushed automatically. If the swrapping is of the same color, another??random?? color will be used.
    • Matching a coloring candy with any wrapped candy of any color to change ??all candies?? of that color on the board into the color of the coloring candy and all normal candies of the coloring candy color is change to wrapped candies, all candies of the coloring candy color is then crushed accordingly. If the swrapping is of the same color, another??random?? color will be used.
    • Matching a coloring candy with any fish candy of any color to change ??all normal candies?? of that color on the board into the color of the coloring candy and all normal candies of the coloring candy color is change to wrapped candies, all fish candies of the coloring candy color is then crushed automatically. If the swrapping is of the same color, another??random?? color will be used.
    • Matching a coloring candy with  color bomb to generate a flash across the board to crush all candies. The crushing power is twice the exposion made by crushing the wrapped candy. 
    • Matching two coloring candies to change all canides on the board into one single color and all candies are then matched ??randomly?? and crushed accordingly. 

By arranging any three or more irregular candies of the same color to match a pattern so as to crush all matched candy and create some basic effect.   last updated 03Jul20166

  • Matching three irregular candies in a row or column (one line of 3) to provide a basic matching crush.
  • Mathcing four irregular candies in a row or column (one line of 4) to create a colum or row blast normal to the row or coloum of irregular candies.
  • Matching four irregular candies in a 2x2 square (two parallel lines of 2) or more to create four or more  jumping fishes to destroy things on the board automatically.
  • Mathcing five irregular candies in a row or column (one line of 5) to generate a flash across the board to crush all candies ??one time??.

Episode of Candy Crush Soda 

  • Episode 1: Candy Town
  • Episode 2: Lollipop Meadow


ID: 160600020 Last Updated: 6/17/2016 Revision: 0

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